Eliasu Musah has been practicing on Sundays in Accra, Ghana
With the hopes that American Football will be organized in Ghana. Dominick Muller
has been giving American Football instructions to about 35 athletes in Ghana since he arrived. Eliasu Musah explained that
He first fell in love with American Football after watching a Video clip and has since been very interested since.
He explained that it is not easy getting people together because we have so many soccer and Rugby players, but he has
stated that the majority of the players interested in American Football are Rugby players. Getting money for equipment is
the main issue for they only have the equipment because it was donated to them by their instructor. One of the people in the photo’s is a women and she is very
Interested in American Football also. Eliasu has a real beat for the sport and has reached out to TUSAAFSS to try to get support for American Football in Ghana,
as of right now they are the only team playing American Tackle Football. Eliasu states that he would love for Ghana to not only concentrate on Soccer because
He is well aware of the many Ghanaian athletes that play in the NFL to include 2 Super Bowl winning players Charlie Peprah and Joseph Addia. It will be one of
TUSAAFSS Goals to help raise awareness about the team the Black Bison’s and try to gain support for American Tackle Football in Ghana.
The Bison’s are going to need help with Equipment especially since they only have limited equipment but only enough to fit a handful of players.
Just like in baseball if you build it they will come. TUSAAFSS at present is working to help this team in Ghana be a model of American Football in Ghana and will be reaching
Out to as many different organizations who are willing to take the first steps with the growth of American Tackle Football in Ghana
where do you train and how can can I reached you guys?